Suffolk's Expert Orthodontist

In Suffolk, VA, Dr. Christian Davillier and his dedicated team offer years of specialized experience in transforming smiles with advanced orthodontic solutions.

orthodontist suffolk va
Board-Certified Orthodontist
in Suffolk, VA

Meet Dr. Christian Davillier

Dr. Christian Davillier is dedicated to providing transformative orthodontic care, deeply valuing the trust and cooperation of his patients throughout their treatment journey.

With a philosophy of treating every patient like family, Dr. Davillier brings both warmth and expertise to his practice.

His commitment to orthodontics was inspired by his own educational path and professional experiences, including serving as Chief Resident at Howard University, where he honed his skills in advanced orthodontic techniques such as Invisalign.

Orthodontists vs. Dentists: Specialized Care for Your Smile

While both dentists and orthodontists help improve your oral health, orthodontists specialize in correcting misaligned teeth and jaws. After dental school, orthodontists receive an additional 2-3 years of training focused solely on orthodontic care. This specialized education equips them with the skills necessary to diagnose, prevent, and treat dental and facial irregularities.

Choosing an orthodontist like Dr. Davillier for teeth straightening is advantageous because they possess a deep understanding of the complex ways teeth and jaws align and function. Orthodontists use this knowledge to design treatments that not only straighten teeth but also optimize biting function and improve overall facial aesthetics. This expertise ensures that you receive the most effective and efficient treatment possible.

The Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment: More Than Just A Great Smile


Treatment helps in properly aligning the teeth and jaws, which can alleviate or prevent physical health issues such as jaw pain, uneven wear on teeth, and difficulties in chewing and speaking.

Correct alignment can also make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.


A straight, attractive smile boosts self-confidence and self-esteem, which are crucial in social interactions. This newfound confidence can lead to greater social engagement, improve personal relationships, and even enhance professional opportunities as individuals feel more poised in job interviews and workplace interactions.


A great smile can be a game-changer. It's often one of the first things people notice, and a bright, aligned smile can make a positive first impression, important in both personal and professional settings. Furthermore, straight teeth can affect how others perceive you, often associating a well-cared-for smile with reliability and friendliness.

orthodontist suffolk va

Investing in orthodontic treatment can be seen as investing in your career. Many people find that improving their smile results in increased professional opportunities. A confident smile can make you appear more approachable and committed, qualities that are highly valued in any work environment.


Patients often develop a greater appreciation for maintaining oral health and gain discipline from adhering to treatment routines, which can extend into other areas of personal health and discipline.

Explore Orthodontics in Suffolk

Are you ready to transform your smile and enhance your life? Contact Dr. Christian Davillier at Davillier Orthodontics in Suffolk, VA, today.

Let us guide you toward a brighter, healthier future with a smile you're proud to show off. Your first step to a new smile is just a consultation away!

orthodontist suffolk va